The Vault: Rare Occult Books from my Personal Archives

The intention of this blog series which I have titled "The Vault" is to showcase some of the rare occult books in my personal collection for the purpose of cataloging and maintaining a database of my collection throughout the coming years. The hope is that this blog will serve as a reference point for other collectors with similar interests while also providing historical context on the publication history of such works. From time to time I will introduce articles based on rare books which are not in my collection. One such example would be my recent visit this past fall to the Oakland Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in which I examined and photographed a 'special' bound edition of Manly P. Halls monumental publication of The Secret Teaching of All Ages. The article has been published through The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles and I will be posting an expanded version here on my blog very soon.

On a separate note, i will also be contributing my own original writings with a primary focus on Western Mysticism and Jewish Cabalistic thought, along with original illustrations. These writings will however be published via The Rose Occult Periodical which has been in the works for some time now. The periodical will include a blend of both academic and esoteric standpoints on several occult related subjects. With some relevant historical republications of lesser known, albeit important, miscellaneous articles from past publications. The periodical will not be available online but physical copies will be available for purchase through our website or in-person at our shop. 

Thank you,

Ernest J. Rodriguez
The Rose Books & Obscurities