Codex Rose Crucis D.O.M.A; a rare and curious manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest by Manly P Hall
Publication: 1974 Philosophical Research Society
Beautifully illustrated revised and enlarged edition originally published in 1938 by Manly P Hall. The works is compiled into a series of essays on historic Rosicrucian texts along with an analysis of presumed Rosicrucians; all of which Hall analyses in impressive detail, and rather unapologetic tone. Hall begins with a concise outline of Rosicrucian history through the centuries. He challenges several of his predecessors and contemporaries on the basis of historical evidence and speculative theories regarding Rosicrucian lore. Hall points to several historical facts and inconsistencies, coupled with whimsical common sense, in his attempt to prove, or rather disprove, the association of several prominent figures suspected of their association with the original and elusive Rosicrucian order.
The second half of the book is a translation of the eighteenth century German "D.O.M.A. manuscript" entitled "Codex Rosae Crucis." Hall observed that the work combined all the Rosicrucian interests of "Alchemy, hermetic philosophy, mystic Christianity, cabalism and ceremonial magic, ontology and cosmogony, Pythagorean and Platonic numerology, Gnostic Christianity, classical pagan mythology, medicine and pharmacology, and comparative religion," suggesting that the mysterious acronym D.O.M.A. might stand for "Deo Optimo Maximo Altissimo."
Condition: Base of spine bumped, rear board with a discoloration mark as pictures, binding firm, pages clean, in Very Good condition