The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross by A.E. Waite (1924 First Edition)
Publication: 1924 William Rider & Son; London First Edition
A beautifully produced publication, and important work in the sphere of Rosicrucian history. Contains sixteen full page illustrations, hand cut pages, elaborate gold gilt decorated boards. According to Golden Dawn and Waite scholar R. A. Gilbert: "Waite's study is, even now, the only significant historical work in English on the Rosicrucian movement of the 17th century and its successors." It includes a short section on the formative years of the Golden Dawn, accompanied by a reproduction of one of the pages of the "Cipher Manuscripts." Curiously Waite makes no direct mention of his own involvement in the Golden Dawn, nor the successor groups the Independent and Rectified Rite and Fellowship of the Rosy Cross.
Condition: Publishers maroon cloth boards elaborately decorated, crease to upper cover board, tightly bound, pages clean with no markings, a nice bright copy in Very Good condition