Agape Lodge Lecture I; Introduction to Magick original unpublished typescript manuscript written by Aleister Crowley with introduction by Jack Parsons
Delivered on July 17, 1945
A truly rare one-of-of-a-kind O.T.O related unpublished typescript 9pp. complete. The lecture was delivered on July 17, 1945, at the infamous Agape Lodge in Pasadena. After a thorough search, we have found nothing similar. UCSB has a file of newsletters from the Agape Lodge, but they date only from the 1980s.
The introduction, which takes about a page and a half of this document was almost surely written by Jack Parsons, who was the head of the Lodge during the time. As the undisputed leader of the only American chapter of the most nefarious occult organization in the world Parsons would have taken great pride in writing the introduction of this lesson originally written by Aleister Crowley.
We understand that Parsons name does not appear on the document and that has been taken into account on the pricing. At the very least, Agape Lodge typescripts from this era are of the upmost rarity.