Emanuel Swedenborg's Investigations in Natural Science and the Basis For His Statements Concerning The Functions of the Brain by Martin Ramstom
Publication: 1910 University of Uppsala First Edition
This publication was released in 1910 by the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala and was authored by Martin Ramstrom. Beautifully custom-bound in half-leather with five raised bands, the original are wrappers preserved. In the work, Ramstrom highlighted Emanuel Swedenborg's "Neuron-theory" as an innovative and intuitive breakthrough in neuroanatomy. Swedenborg is well-known for his deep commitment to spirituality and was a prominent figure during the European Enlightenment, where he made significant contributions to mathematics and science. His scientific insights introduced groundbreaking ideas that transformed the field of medicine.
In addition to detailing the complexities of the cerebral cortex, Swedenborg also discovered the perivascular spaces, the foramen of Magendie, and the cerebrospinal fluid. He emphasized the significance of the pituitary gland, referred to as the "arch gland," in maintaining normal neurological function.
Condition: small inscription to prelim, else Fine