Codex Rose Crucis D.O.M.A; a rare and curious manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest by Manly P Hall
Publication: 1971 Philosophical Research Society
This edition, which contains the decorative front cover, is often considered the more desirable edition by collectors. Not only for the cover but for the tastefully printed quality of the plates and dual colored D.O.M.A. translation. Beautifully illustrated throughout. Originally published in 1938 by Manly P Hall. The works is compiled into a series of essays on historic Rosicrucian texts along with an analysis of presumed Rosicrucians; all of which Hall analyses in impressive detail coupled with an unapologetic tone. At times challenging his predecessors and contemporaries alike, all while ascribing praise in the areas Hall deems credit is due.
An important text in the canon of Rosicrucianism; Hall redeems many of the previously faulty notions on the subject while validating his points with historic facts. All the while masterfully administering certain esoteric undertones that are left up to the reader to discover.
The research stands the test of time. Hall himself never revised the text. A testament to how profusely adamant Hall stood by his convictions on the subject.
The second half of the book is a translation of the eighteenth century German "D.O.M.A. manuscript" entitled "Codex Rosae Crucis." Hall observed that the work combined all the Rosicrucian interests of "Alchemy, hermetic philosophy, mystic Christianity, cabalism and ceremonial magic, ontology and cosmogony, Pythagorean and Platonic numerology, Gnostic Christianity, classical pagan mythology, medicine and pharmacology, and comparative religion," suggesting that the mysterious acronym D.O.M.A. might stand for "Deo Optimo Maximo Altissimo."
Condition: Decorative cover boards with title to spine, red end papers, pages clean with no markings. Folio. The book is in Fine condition.