Freedom is a Two Edged Sword by John Whiteside Parsons
Publications: 1989 Ordo Templi Orientis in association with Falcon Press; First Edition- First Print with full number line
Selected writings by John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons (1914-1952), Thelemist occultist and member of magical order “O.T.O” Parsons was an eccentric character who adhered to the occult philosophy of Aleister Crowley. His paperback publications have become quite collectible over the years, and are especially difficult to find in good condition.
“[Parsons] treated magic and rocketry as different sides of the same coin: both had been disparaged, both derided as impossible, but because of this both presented themselves as challenges to be conquered. Rocketry postulated that we should no longer see ourselves as creatures chained to the earth but as beings capable of exploring the universe.
Similarly, magic suggested there were unseen metaphysical worlds that existed and could be explored with the right knowledge. Both rocketry and magic were rebellions against the very limits of human existence; in striving for one challenge he could not help but strive for the other.”
—George Pendle
Condition: clean copy with minor shelf wear overall Very Good+