Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens Sources of an Alchemical Book of Emblems H.M.E. De Jong
Publication: 2002 Nicolas-Hays, Inc; York Beach Maine First Edition First Printing
Large Octavo 462pp.
"DeJong translates the mottos and epigrams of the original 50 emblems in Michael Maier's Atalanta Fugiens, and provides a summary of both Maier's exposition and a commentary on each emblem......[DeJong] also includes an additional 30 alchemical engravings that explain her research...... Atalanta Fugiens is a book that expresses the science of the alchemists and how it conveys a world of feeling and thought in which macrocosm and microcosm, gold and lead, and the human soul and the alchemical alembic are demonstrated."
Condition: Near Fine