Myths of the New World by Daniel Brinton
Publication: 1868 Leypoldt & Holt; New York First Edition
This work is described as "a study of an obscure portion of the intellectual history of our species"..an examination of man's earliest ideas of the soul, God, and of his own origin and destiny. Why do we find certain myths, such as of a creation, a flood, an afterworld; certain symbols, as the bird, the serpent, the cross, certain numbers, as the three, the four, the seven - intimately associated with these ideas by every race?
Condition: publishers brown cloth boards, gilt title to spine and eagle tooling to cover, beveled edges, some discoloring to front and rear boards, spine edges fraying, corners bumped, spine slightly leaning and a bit darkened but gilt still birght all around , pages clean, binding tight, Very Good condition