The English Cabalah (Two Volume Set) by William Eisen
Publication: 1980 and 1982 DeVorss & Company both volumes stated First Edition
Both volumes of William Eisen's massive study of the English Cabalah. The second volume in the series includes a chapter on the pyramids of Giza, and an extensive series of chapters on Crowley's "Book of the Law", and claims to reveal the long hidden meaning of both.
From the publisher Volume 1 : "The Cabalah is a system of theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy marked by belief in creation through emanation and a cipher method of interpreting Scripture. The Master Teacher Agash has often referred to it as the numerology of the ancient Hebrews, and of the Atlanteans before that. We have lost sight of the basic aspects because we have divorced letters from umbers. The ancient Hebrews had no separate system for identifying number from words. This book will show that the English alphabet - 26 hieroglyphic symbols - was actually designed by the God Consciousness so that mankind in the 20th century will be better able to understand the nature of his BEING."
Condition: Publishers blue cloth boards with gilt title to spine and upper boards, dust jackets remain unclipped and protected in mylar- jacket of volume one with some creasing and minor chipping along spine edge, both are stated First Editions, volume one is in Very Good condition- volume two is in Near Fine condition