The Fraternitatis Rose Crucis by R. Swinburne Clymer
Publication: 1929 The Philosophical Publishing Company
"An attempt to harmonize the Spirit of the writings of those who are known to have been Rosicrucians and a comparison of the statements of those recognized authorities."
From the prelim " In the Arcanum illustrated on the succeeding page and which is for the first time openly published, is embraced by simple form, all the Hermetic, Alchemical and Rosicrucian symbology ever known. All Arcana had one end in view; the methods or paths sometimes differed. In the present Arcanum or practice, the same Work is portrayed. The present is the premier and last Alchemical Rosicrucian Arcanum. He who succeeds in solving it has rent the veil and entered the Sanctum Sanctorum, the inner Sanctuary of the Temple Sanctus Spiritus."
Condition: publishers brown cloth boards, gilt title to spine with symbol to upper board, spine ends turned in, pastedown with ownership mark, pages clean with no markings, binding firm, overall in Very Good condition