The Great Pyramid. Its Divine Message by D. Davidson & H. Aldersmith
Publication: 1941 William and Norgate Ltd.
Large book, many b&w illustrations, diagrams and charts. Many foldout plates (all present) Considered to be a key work of 'Pyramidology'. This book stood in oppositions of Piazzi Smyths earlier work "Our Inheritance of The Great Pyramid" which ties the symbolism of the Great Pyramid to Biblical Prophecy. Here, one of the authors, David Davidson was seeking to disprove Piazzi Smyth's argument. In an ironic twist Davidson, who started off as an agnostic skeptic, instead was able to reconciled the measurements originally taken by Piazzi Smyth to those made by renowned Egyptologist Sir Flinders Petrie, and published the results in this work (The Great Pyramid; Its Divine Message)
"Davidson's contribution to the work largely concerned the mathematics and measurements of the edifice, his co-author Dr. Herbert Aldersmith, a Christian convert and British Israelite, laid forth the prophecies that they believed were preserved in the Great Pyramid. The work underwent numerous revisions, and this ninth edition includes the lengthy new (1937) preface to the seventh edition and a note explaining that some of the circumstances described should not be interpreted as meaning that there would be no war (in the interim the Second World War had begun)."
Condition: Spine was professionally restored with original spine preserved, binding now sound, all pages remain clean, binding tight, the book remains attractive and in Good condition
Note: Heavy Book