The Secret Teachings of All Ages An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy.
Signed and hand numbered #2141 by the Author Manly P. Hall
1975 The Golden Anniversary Edition
The original publication of this book in 1928 is considered a monumental feat in the history of publishing. The massive edition measured 19" Tall and 12.5" in width, with a total weight of nearly 20 pounds. Although none of the later editions accomplished the precision and detail of the '28 editions; This Golden Anniversary edition is widely considered to be the closest in that regard until the recent Taschen publication. The work itself remains one of the most famous- and impressive- books in Western esoteric canon. This edition contains all 54 Full page illustrations by J. Augustus Knapp, that were published in the original edition with the same width and lengths of the original. Manly P. Hall was only 28 years old at the time of the original publication (1928) after it was published Hall went from being "just another earners preacher in the City of Angels to becoming an icon of the increasingly influential metaphysical movement sweeping the country in the 1920s. His book challenged the assumptions about society's spiritual roots and made people look at them in new ways' Hall dedicated 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' to 'the proposition that concealed within the emblematic figures; allegories and rituals of the ancients the secret doctrine concerning the inner mysteries of life'
Hall wrote himself about the book "The greatest knowledge of all time should be available tot he twentieth century not only in a one shilling edition of the Bohn Library in small type and shabby binding. But in a book that would be a monument, not merely a coffin"
Condition: Gilt boarder to upper board with some chipping along the title boarder on the cover, overall in Very Good clean condition