The History of Magic and Experimental Science by Lynn Thorndike
8 Volumes Complete Set
Publication: Columbia University Press -no publication date indicated but the buckram-type cloth of the older editions indicates these were printed sometime in the 1960s.
A complete set of Thorndike’s classic, The History of Magic and Experimental Science. Considered a landmark work, it traces the development of magic and science from ancient times through the seventeenth century. The author covers significant aspects of the occult arts and sciences, superstitions, and folklore, including extensive biographies and Indexes.
Vols 1-2: 5th Printing, Vols 3-4: 4th Printing, Vols 5-6: 4th printing, Vola 7-8 3rd printing
Condition: All volumes uniformly bound in publishers green cloth boards, gilt title to spine, a clean set in Fine Condition