The Rosicrucians past and Present, at Home and Abroad by Dr. W. Wynn Westcott, Supreme Magus, IX°
Publication: Privately Printed
The rare first issue booklet of an address given by Wynn Westcott to the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. This is the privately issued booklet in 1915, preceding the 1916 edition published by Watkins. With only two institutional holdings worldwide (One copy is held at Harvard University, the other at the prestigious Huntington Library) a rare, privately bound and printed, collectable publication by SRIA.
Westcott served as Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), and Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge (the well-known London Masonic Lodge devoted to Masonic research).
Condition: Original red printed wrappers, raw cut edges, sewn binding, some fading to the covers, pages clean, overall in Very Good condition