The Sign Language of the Mysteries by J.S.M. Ward
Publication: 1928 The Baskerville Press First Edition 2-Volume set
The best known work from author J.S.M. Ward. Sign Language of the Mysteries is a comprehensive study of symbolism covering a broad spectrum symbolism. This was the first rigorous scholarship to explore the hidden symbolism in hand gestures and body positions used by Freemasonry, Ancient Egyptians, Christian priesthood, secret societies, and those depicted in many ancient engravings and paintings.
This is a scarce set. These editions were released in 1928 and limited to only 1000 sets. Containing over 130 rare illustrations from various sources.
Condition: Original maroon boards, all color plates present, clean of any notes or highlights. Boards are age faded evenly all around with age appropriate shelf ware (boards were originally maroon) gilt titles on spine is still bright, binding is tight, the interior front boards have theosophical society pastedown, stamp at the bottom of each of the title pages. Despite the flaws it is still a wonderful and scarce set. Overall Good condition.